The options for the [[svecchia]] function
The path of the folder containing the package.json file. Default: .
If true, only the devDependencies will be updated. Default: false
If true, only the dependencies will be updated. Default: false
If true, only the optional dependencies will be updated. Default: false
If true, only the peer dependencies will be updated. Default: false
If true, the npm cache will be cleaned before updating the dependencies. Default: false
The list of dependencies to exclude from the update. Default: []
The list of dependencies to update. If specified and not empty, only these dependencies will be updated. Default: []
The package manager to use. Default: npm
The options for the [[svecchia]] function
Param: path
The path of the folder containing the package.json file. Default:
Param: onlyDevDeps
If true, only the devDependencies will be updated. Default: false
Param: onlyProdDeps
If true, only the dependencies will be updated. Default: false
Param: onlyOptionalDeps
If true, only the optional dependencies will be updated. Default: false
Param: onlyPeerDeps
If true, only the peer dependencies will be updated. Default: false
Param: cleanCache
If true, the npm cache will be cleaned before updating the dependencies. Default: false
Param: exclude
The list of dependencies to exclude from the update. Default: []
Param: only
The list of dependencies to update. If specified and not empty, only these dependencies will be updated. Default: []
Param: packageManager
The package manager to use. Default: npm